Global-warming-related catastrophes are increasingly hitting vulnerable populations around the world, with one species in particular danger: the electricity ratepayer. Denmark, an early adopter of the global-warming mania, now requires its households to pay the developed world’s highest power prices — about 40¢ a kilowatt hour, or three to four times what North Americans pay today. Germany, whose powerhouse economy gave green developers a blank cheque, is a close second, followed by other politically correct nations such as Belgium, the headquarters of the EU, and distressed nations such as Spain. The result is chaos to the economic well-being of the EU nations. Even in rock-solid Germany, up to 15% of the populace is now believed to be in “fuel poverty.” Some 600,000 low-income Germans are now being cut off by their power companies annually, a number expected to increase as a never-ending stream of global-warming projects in the pipeline wallops customers. In the U.K., which has laboured under the most politically correct climate leadership in the world, some 12 million people are already in fuel poverty, 900,000 of them in wind-infested Scotland alone, and the U.K. has now entered a double-dip recession. –Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post, 12 May 2012
It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! (Hannah Arendt).
sábado, 12 de maio de 2012
Some 600,000 low-income Germans are now being cut off by their power companies annually
Um dos pilares do liberalismo e do mercado livre, é a constatação, colhida da prática, de que a concorrência, a livre formação dos preços, ...
Crise. Recessão. Depressão. Agora é que vai ser: os EUA vão entrar pelo cano e nós atrás deles. Talvez para a próxima. Para já, e pelo trigé...