Há 2 meses, o mandato do Special Rapporteur (SR) para a promoção e protecção da liberdade de expressão e opinião, do anedótico Conselho das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos , foi alterado de forma radical, por proposta da Organização da Conferêrencia Islâmica (OIC)
Assim sendo, o SR tem agora a tarefa, não de vigiar e reportar as limitações à liberdade, mas sim o seu "abuso", nomeadamente em relação à religião islâmica, como consta expressamente do texto.
Um organismo concebido para vigiar a repressão da liberdade de expressão, terá doravante de a promover.
Não se trata de um movimento desenquadrado e avulso. O documento foi concertado e preparado ao milímetro pela OIC, no seguimento de uma estratégia de restauração da Umma, que se pode ler aqui, mas que já vem de trás.
Em 2000, a ISESCO (versão islâmica da UNESCO), deu à estampa a Estratégia da Acção Cultural no Ocidente .
O texto, publicado antes do 9/11, destina-se aos islâmicos das 2ªs e 3ªs gerações de imigrantes, aqueles que, por toda a Europa, estão na vanguarda da violência contra as sociedades que os acolhem.
Trata-se de um programa de controlo totalitário que pretende regular todos os aspectos da vida do jovem islâmico, impondo uma total submissão. Não são meros conselhos...são deveres religiosos, porque a “acção cultural é um acto de adoração”.
Após as partes genéricas com retórica redonda, destinada a prestar tributo à correcção política, o texto ganha substância e esclarece que a relação com os países de acolhimento consiste sobretudo em aproveitar as múltiplas vantagens do Ocidente.
Garante a “ superioridade moral e a discernibilidade “ muçulmanas e apresenta o Islão como uma alternativa às esperanças outrora depositadas no comunismo.
“A consciência crescente da importância do Islão e o seu papel como uma opção cultural e intelectual...excita muitos sectores no Ocidente, particularmente em consequência da regressão de grandes doutrinas ideológicas ”.
Criticando violentamente a globalização capitalista (mais um ponto comum à esquerda e à extrema-direita), insinua que o islamismo poderá vir a ser a solução: “espera-se pela emergência de um novo poder mundial, levantando-se contra o poder que actualmente domina a ordem mundial” (leia-se, os EUA).
Enquanto se espera pela vitória, deve-se proteger os muçulmanos da “filosofia positivista e herética” do Ocidente, porque “a arrogância do Ocidente atingiu o seu apogeu” (ou seja, está a caminho da decadência. Curiosamente Chavez diz exactamente o mesmo do "Império").
A Estratégia visa instaurar uma contra-sociedade muçulmana no seio do Ocidente que seja impermeável às tentativas de assimilação.
Porque o Ocidente quer “dissolver a personalidade da criança muçulmana através da destruição dos valores que ela trouxe da família e da sua cultura de origem”, torna-se necessário “imunizar o imigrante contra a perversão” da cultura ocidental.
Impõe-se assim exigir e negociar a aplicação da sharia nos países de acolhimento, como se viu recentemente no Reino Unido
Face à concertada estratégia islamista, a esquerda continua a ignorar a ameaça vital e prefere dedicar-se a "causas fracturantes", a criticar o "Bush e o Blair" e a repetir pela enésima vez a catilinária dos "voos da CIA" e de "Guantanamo", etc, enfim qualquer coisa que seja pretexto para berrar o ódio ao único país que percebeu o alcance da ameaça e lhe tem movido uma guerra global.
Como é lógico, não se tem conhecimento de uma única manifestação organizada pela esquerda contra o terrorismo islâmico e contra aqueles que explícita e repetidamente têm dito que querem atacar e têm atacado a civilização a que pertencemos. Pelo contrário, o Dr Miguel Portas vai a Beirute prestar vassalagem a Nasralah e por cá, comunistas e bloquistas desfilam juntos, de punho revolucionário erguido, berrando que "somos todos Hezbolah".
Há tempos, pouco antes de morrer, o filósofo Fernando Gil diagnosticou a imensa amálgama totalitária que une hoje o anti-semitisno, o antiamericanismo, a ideologia de esquerda e o islamofascismo, e denunciou a má-fé da esquerda europeia como o fenómeno que subjaz a essa amálgama.
No limite considerava que é a ausência de projectos e a tentação do abismo que conduz a esquerda para o regaço dos maiores inimigos da nossa civilização.
It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! (Hannah Arendt).
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Um dos pilares do liberalismo e do mercado livre, é a constatação, colhida da prática, de que a concorrência, a livre formação dos preços, ...
Crise. Recessão. Depressão. Agora é que vai ser: os EUA vão entrar pelo cano e nós atrás deles. Talvez para a próxima. Para já, e pelo trigé...
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Querem viver numa redoma onde apenas entram as mordomias e benesses que lhes interessam pagas pelos contribuintes não islâmicos. Pensam concerteza que vivem numa sociedade feudal e são os "senhores". Chegaram ao ocidente refugiados e perseguidos. Depois de acolhidos e integrados não se querem integrar e tentam colonizar-nos.
Eis o que você lê Lidador:
alá é coisa má!
Quem estudar um pouco do que maomé disse e fez chega a esta conclusão muito simples e verdadeira.
Este artigo tem duas partes:
1ª parte
Finalmente uma chamada de atenção a um documento que envergonha qualquer defensor de direito de liberdade de expressão;
2ª Parte
Os mesmo tiques pavlovianos de quem tem de colocar a esquerda ao barulho sempre que fala de um problema. Já agora a omissão do apoio de um país ocidental a um dos regimes islamicos mais radicais é intencional ou puro esquecimento?
Caro Stran,acha então que Fernando Gil, estava com tiques pavlovianos quando discorria sobre o fenómeno?
Se calhar estava mesmo...eu tb reajo por reflexo se uma vespa me picar. Ainda antes de pensar, já a mão está a voar para lá...
Os reflexos são assim..
Diogo, agora não tenho tempo para os seus problemas de intestino. Ando ocupado com uns judeus da CIA que vieram de Marte depois de terem lançado um míssil sobre o Edifício 7, e garantem que lá tb não há câmaras de gás e essas coisas.
Ok, respondeu sobre os tiques pavlovianos, e sobre a sua omissão?
Tem razão, Stran. Omiti esse tema e compreendo que só por infinita bondade não me assinalou outras indesculpáveis omissões.
Por exemplo, omiti a questão do fabrico da alheiras de Mirandela; não dei a devida relevância à crise do escaravelho da batata; esqueci-me completamente da lesão do Petit.
Não tenho emenda...
Peço desculpa, não reparei que as "alheiras de Mirandela" eram feitas por perigosos islamicos que com a ajuda dos extremistas de esquerda tinham criado a crise de "escaravelhos de batata" e finalmente para celebrar estas vitórias do Islão e da perigosa esquerda decidiram lesionar o Petit, membro de uma selecção capitalista e corrupta.
Realmente se omitiu os anteriores exemplos é natural que tenha omitido o "apoio de um país ocidental a um dos regimes islamicos mais radicais".
WAKE UP islam (stop destroying yourselves and the God created Mankind and world) AND RAISE UP IN UNISSON AGAINST ISLAMO-FASCISM! Stop your involution with the devil that is leading your satanic islamo-fascist cult, and BE CHRISTIAN!
The arab leader of the 7th century (D.C.) never was and never will be a prophet in the Religious sense of the word. The arab mohammad was a criminal in the complete sense of the word:
(1) he killed by his sword and personally cut the throat to several hundreds (cumulatively, thousands!) of what he considered enemies (just because they were Jews or Christians and did not believe in him, a criminal!)
(2) he was a hatemonger because hated is enemies and therefore incited his stupid followers to kill and persecute in his false name (it is written in the false quran, reason for which it does not emanate from God; may be from the devil or any pig you want)
(3) he was not a peacemaker (as Jesus Christ was; as well as St Francis of Assissi, St Theresa of Avila, St Francis Xavier, Dr Livingstone, MK Gandhi, ML King, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Pope John Paul II, even Nelson Mandela, etc) and in his name and because of this islamo-fascist cult, millions of Christians and Jews were killed murdered or enslaved from the 8th to the 12th centuries, from Syria and Iran to Palestine, to northern Egypt, and northern Africa until Morocco; and the thousands of churches and synagogues these deceivers and un-holly people destroyed because of their mental blindness racism and stubbornness.
(4) he was a womanger, since he had 10 official wives, 3 concubines and several others non-nominated female slaves
(5) with the third wife (Aisha) he even was a paedophile by any Human Standards (but not under animal standards) since he consumed the physical act even before her to become a teenager
(6) he was a male chauvinistic in view of his tremendous and continuous disrespect for women
(7) he was a liar since he never was a prophet from God, because God does not select for His messenger this type of erratic criminal behaviour (may be he was on service of the devil, but never was on God Holy service)
(9) he was a falsifier and deceiver, since he recited copied plagiated and forged several parts of the HOLY BIBLE and presented Its Holy contents and ideas in a distorted way, as prepared hoaxes and false ideas only full of biased arab origins (or ordered others to do so, since he was illiterate). The false book koran or quran (that does not have nothing of holy that was not said before) contains distortions of the HOLY BIBLE so it is a falsification forgery and partial adaptation – so much distorted and adjusted to arab local interests and to the reality of the false prophet life and his real sinful existence.
(10) most of quran contents (above 70%) refer to incitements to killings to destructions violations assault, falsely legalizing for this islamofascist cult anything done to anyone non-muslim, also True God created. So its contents cannot come from God, but solely from the sinner and criminal mohammad and his blind followers (eventually with evil's influence).
(11) his false inspired book allows for bestiality, paedophilia, even prostitution and rape with non-islamic, so never could emanate from the perfect God concept, the One and Only
(12) he never was an never will be a prophet, because he did not prophesize anything
(13) under Law and Justice, mohammad or mafoma will always be a criminal, a murderer and a leader full of prejudice that incited several crimes to Mankind created in God's Image. If he was alive he had to be judged by these known crimes against Humanity (and many others not here listed), listed and set as example in the false religious book coran or quran, and be in jail several years for them (or have his hands cut, his head cut, stoned to death, etc by his own standards in his false religious book), and by having led his arab followers in a wrong, pharisaic, confused, out-of-focus, lying and misleading way. Such criminal must be in hell for the sufferings this psychopath impinged on his akin, on others at his time and throughout the world thereafter. Definitely not a man of God, may be only an instrument of the devil in disturbing then and now the Mankind peaceful co-existence otherwise.
(14) besides all these crimes and sinful attitudes he, and the one's who wrote and adapted the 'koran' for him (150 years after his death), still exerted the final arrogance of claiming for mohammad to be the last prophet! That is absolutely ridiculous, to say the least, since with such un-holly arrogance he his trying to silence God and All of His Holy Messengers (of whose list he will never belong).
(15) because of being one of the most successful criminals and deceivers of Mankind (may be with devil's help!), the arab merchant and sinner mohammad was then converted into an economic political and tribal leader, but he also revelled to have a psychopath a racist and a schizophrenic character common to mentally-blind illiterate people.
What is regretful is that some pious, God's fear and God's devoting character of many non-Christian arabs and middle east citizens, is not devoted to Jesus Christ. Under Law and Justice there is nothing to judge Jesus Christ for: He was a Lover of All Mankind, believers and gentiles, jews and non-jews, God-abiding people and people labelled by public as sinners !
Jesus Christ only gave examples of The Great Lover of Mankind and his best Peacemaker. Jesus Christ was is and will always be The Holy Being, a Holy Soul!.
Jesus Christ is the true God, the one and Only God of Jews (from whom Arabs also supposedly descend, from Abraham, as half-brothers) and Christians (and one day also The Prophet-God Messanger of the present muslims that will understand the falsity that has been followed), the Almighty Reason and Perfect karma of Buddhists and Hinduism, the God of gods of many civilizations not directly visited or witnessing His Human facet (Jesus Christ Himself).
In modern scientific terms, Jesus Christ can be thought as the three-dimensional intersection of God's multi-dimensional space with our three-dimensional human physical space on Earth and the Universe; so Jesus Christ is also the Creator or Cause of the Universe, and the leitmotiv of Humanity existence on His Image.
WAKE UP islam (stop destroying yourselves and the God created Mankind and world) AND RAISE UP IN UNISSON AGAINST ISLAMO-FASCISM! Stop your involution with the devil that is leading your satanic islamo-fascist cult, and BE CHRISTIAN for ever and ever!
Please post this as a help for all needed, and as a Human Testimony of my personal saga turning away FOREVER from islam and starting my happy harmonious hopeful loving catholic or universal survival with Jesus Christ, the Lover of Mankind and of All God Creation.
As an European that also leaved in countries throughout the world and still returned home, I have been questioning to where does Europe go from here.
Having immigrants that do not disturb us and that with us contribute to the enhancement of one country in particular, and Europe and the World in general, is quite positive.
But having immigrants that want to create here a new-culture and country from their original origins, is quite negative.
Therefore, and in view of what is happening in UK, in Holland, in Belgium, in France, and more lately in Spain and Italy, I do not accept and I will not accept (and in the limit, if necessary will pick up arms, and gather people against) any type of islamo-fascism.!
Yes, you read quite well: islamo-fascism!
Please, attend in the following text already posted in internet. And if you are European (before being World member), even if you like myself are a World-member born in some European or distinct country, you might then be rational and reason about what is happening to Europe if the menace is not stopped on time.
Otherwise, we will be in Civil War for years to come.
The muslims who want to live under islamic sharia law should return to their primitive countries of origin, and live there under their regimes. “IMMIGRANTS, NOT BRITISH OR EUROPEANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It or Leave It.”
I am tired of England, UK, Holland, etc and Europe has to worry about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since they also do not even respect us 1% of what we really respected them with our CHRISTIAN values that are catholic or universal; and we are respected nothing (0%) at their countries, full of bias pride prejudice and mental blind stubbornness and opposition.
There is a need to a full increase in patriotism and Europeanism (instead of an uncharacteristic islamo-fascism without noticing because creepingly evolving). British culture and Europe culture has been developed over more than two millenniums of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak mainly our own countries languages, not turkish, lebanese, arabic, chinese, japanese, or any other language. Therefore, if immigrants and their families wish to become part of our society, Learn the local languages and Integrate, otherwise go home and do not disturb others also created on God’s image.
Most British and Europeans believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded these set of nations in Europe, and this is clearly documented.
It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. I am proud of being original citizen of an European country, European and Christian.
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.
We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, OUR CONTINENT and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flags, Our Pledges, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, our Freedoms, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great European freedom: “THE RIGHT TO LEAVE”.
If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here, since we did not take you as slaves (although islam admits slavery). You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
It is an Enormous Insult, an enormous proof of Lack of Gratitude and an enormous proof of un-Human Love Capacity for the countries the immigrants went to, to think otherwise!
Maybe if we (and the immigrants too) circulate this amongst ourselves, citizens of every country in EUROPE, will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
If you agree ... please SEND THIS ON. I will not stop defending it and declaring it until the last droop of my European and Worldwide blood.
Gondes at mekka (for a while, but will leave this evil city very soon)
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