It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! (Hannah Arendt).
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Alguém me explica porque têm a GNR e a justiça(?) que meter o nariz para saber se quem trabalha na pastelaria lá está dentro ou não?
Um dos pilares do liberalismo e do mercado livre, é a constatação, colhida da prática, de que a concorrência, a livre formação dos preços, ...
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Á falta de um tópico mais apropriado, deixo aqui.
"Unbowed on Iraq, Blair Makes the Case for Targeting Iran"
"Anyone who attended the Jan. 29 session of Britain's Iraq inquiry to watch Tony Blair crumble went home disappointed. ………. An inquiry panel of career diplomats and academics was never likely to dent his composure. ("They're sitting there like chickens," squawked an exasperated audience member during a break from proceedings.) Yet Blair's light grilling still produced a major eye opener: ……. Blair instead used the platform to argue for opening a new battlefront — against Iran.
The inquiry was established to learn the lessons of Iraq. Chief among these lessons is that dangerous regimes that may have weapons of mass destruction must be confronted, according to Blair, and he made sure the inquiry was in no doubt that Iran sits at the top of his personal axis of evil. "When I look at the way Iran today links up with terror groups ... a large part of the destabilization of the Middle East ... comes from Iran," he said. As for taking action to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, that's "for the leaders of today to decide. My judgment is you don't take any risks with this issue," Blair added.
This was vintage Blair, linking his unpopular …….. military adventure against a regime that proved as pathetic as it was pathological …….. And unlike Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Iran does have a nuclear program, although no hard evidence has yet been produced that it is using that program to produce weapons.
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