

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009

Um ano depois da orgia "lincolniana"

Ana Gomes, a 30 de Agosto de 2008:
Desci a rampa do estádio, em Denver, rodeada de gente que ria, sorria ou chorava, largando interjeições emocionadas: "Oh my God! We've got to elect him." "He is great, great, great!" "He must be President!" Eu estava sem fala e dava-me também para sorrir, cabeça e coração fervilhantes de admiração, contentamento e esperança.


Mas o que pusera o estádio em delírio fora o discurso galvanizador de Barack Obama. Um discurso em tom lincolniano, ora intimista, ora aguerrido, em que Obama afirmou magistralmente de onde vinha, ao que vinha e por que vinha.


Anunciando medidas e assumindo compromissos: sobre a recuperação da economia através duma revolução energética;


As adversidades por que passou e o percurso político até chegar a esta campanha mostram que não é de plástico; nem de aviário, atamancado por uma qualquer aparelhagem partidária.

Bruce Walker, 3 de Setembro de 2009:
American Thinker - Via O Insurgente
Obama, while possessing many of the campaigning gifts of these presidents, has shown no ability to govern at all. This is a very dangerous situation for our nation. Our leader is a man whose ignorance, in many areas of history and policy, is simply appalling. He is rather like the “President in the Plastic Bubble.” Obama’s entire life has been insulated from any sense of reality of the nation he governs.

When a black Marxist professor obviously blinded by intense racial rage has to be taken to a police station by a police officer nursed in all the nuances of political correctness, Obama cannot see his friend as the wailing bigot and the white policemen as the reasonable figure. At best, Obama calls it a moral draw.

When millions of Americans spontaneously protest at Tea Parties and Town Meetings proposals for massive federal changes, Obama instructs his satrapies in government, the Democratic Party, and the media that the voters are simply uninformed. When citizens cite specific sections of federal bills, how serious does Obama expect to be taken?

When polls show his support dropping steadily as well as support for his specific policies and his party, Obama seems to think that his cronies and he have simply not repeated the same unbelievable statements often, clearly, or loudly enough.


Looking smooth on television and wowing those fawning socialites and film directors who want to be wowed brings a sort of ephemeral “popularity,” but great nations are not governed on such spun sugar. Winning elections and running superpowers are very different tasks. Now, we have a president who is every second still just a candidate. As the world grows more dangerous by the day, we are “led” by the Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time-President.

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