

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009

Gert Wilders e a liberdade de expressão

Há uns tempos fui acusado de difamação por, num texto publicado num jornal local, ter tecido considerações menos abonatórias sobre a conduta de um indivíduo no desempenho das suas funções numa determinada associação.

O indivíduo considerou-se difamado, o Ministério Público acompanhou, e em menos de um fósforo aí estava eu acusado de dois ou três crimes e sob a exigência de uma indemnização de 3 mil euros.

Requeri abertura de instrução, apresentei os meus argumentos e na semana passada a juíza deu-me razão, com um despacho de não-pronúncia que é um hino à defesa da liberdade de expressão e uma vigorosa admoestação ao carácter do queixoso o qual, de resto, ficou com um melão de fazer inveja a Almeirim, especialmente quando passei por ele com um riso escarninho.


Isto é um caso pessoal, mas refiro-o aqui a propósito do ataque que a liberdade de expressão, um dos direitos humanos fundamentais, está a sofrer no Ocidente, face à investida islâmica.


Creio que o Carmo da Rosa nos irá dar conta disso, mas na Holanda, na libérrima Holanda, um tribunal acaba de fazer suas as regras draconianas que a Arábia Saudita usa para impedir a blasfémia, pretendendo julgar Gert Wilders pelas suas críticas ao Islão.

O racional parece ser o de que as críticas de Gert Wilders são ofensivas.  Como as minhas relativamente ao indivíduo que acima referi. 

E é porque as críticas podem ser (em ordinário são) ofensivas, que existem leis para proteger a liberdade de expressão. Para alguém  escrever que o sol nasce e as andorinhas fazem os ninhos, não são necessárias leis protectoras. Se a liberdade de expressão for abalroada por poder ser ofensiva, então não haveria sequer qualquer discussão política.


O tribunal holandês que se prontificou a adoptar a sharia no caso de Gert Wilders, produziu uma argumentação perturbadora, afirmando que  Gert Wilders deve ser processado, entre outras coisas por  " insultar os muçulmanos, ao estabelecer comparações entre o Islão e e o Nazismo".

(coisa que eu faço constantemente, aliás)

 Ora a ideia de punir pessoas por ofenderem os sentimentos religiosos de outrem, é exactamente aquilo que os países islâmicos pretendem há vários anos, ou seja que o Ocidente adopte leis contra a blasfémia e  a "difamação do Islão". O que, para vergonha da ONU,  levou já à criação, no Conselho das Nações Unidas para os direitos humanos, de um special rapporteur para a liberdade de expressão, cuja tarefa principal é fiscalizar os "abusos da liberdade de expressão", nomeadamente em matéria religiosa, particularmente do Islão.

 O tribunal holandês presta-se a  fazer aquilo que os muçulmanos da Holanda há anos pretendem: silenciar Gert Wilders, alvo já de várias fatwas e que vive sob vigilância policial 24 horas por dia.

Um país em que uma deputada tem de fugir do país devido à fúria islâmica, em que pessoas são mortas na rua por fundamentalistas islâmicos e em que a liberdade de expressão claudica face ao Islão, é cada vez menos um país livre.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Notícias que vem da Holanda sempre me espantam.

Essa aogra: a limitação da liberdade de expressão sobre o mundo islão assusta.

A última que li, em 2006, informava da fundação do partido político "Caridade, Liberdade, e Diversidade"!!

Eu espero que Gert Wilders tenha dinheiro e fôlego para continuar a luta jurídica para modificação desse resultado.

A liberdade de expressão não é mais um bem universal?!

EJSantos disse...

Islamic Hypocrisies
By: Vernon Richards, the author of ‘Islam Undressed’

Excertos de um artigo lido na Faith Freedon International:

"Muslim spokespersons claim moral purity in their fight against ‘decadent’ Westerners. Indeed, if a Muslim is told an infidel slept with a nine years old girl, they would condemn him for being a pedophile. But mention the Prophet Mohammed slept with a girl of the same age, and watch him overact with all kinds of rationalizations such as ‘girls in those days matured fast’ or ‘it was normal and acceptable in that culture’, etc. Apparently it was also normal in those days to rape a widow the same night you slaughtered her beloved husband in an unprovoked raid. To normal thinking feeling human beings, the phrase ‘most merciful’ would not seem to apply to either of these divinely sanctioned acts by Muhammad, yet somehow that contradiction is lost to Muslims.
We hear Muslims believe the Black Stone circled in Mecca is conscious and will testify for and against them on Judgment Day (though they will deny it, the stone and ritual is based on a pagan deity). Meanwhile Muslims all over the world gleefully bring down ‘un-Islamic’ idols, statues, and figures representing deities in other religions. The physical manifestation of Allah, in the form of a conscience stone, is an important core of Muslims’ connection with deity. A pillar of Islam states that every individual must make a pilgrimage to the stone and pay homage. Having done so, a good Muslims can then return to his/her home and with greater piety plot violence against pagan idol worshipers of all sorts."

"pain are correctly called Sadists, and are mentally and emotionally maladjusted (ill).
Acts by sadistic terrorists produce by design extreme human suffering and pain to innocent and unsuspecting victims. Instead of an act of wanton brutality and murder producing shame for the family of the perpetrator, it is common for a festive ceremony known as “the wedding of the martyr” (’irs al-shahid) to be held in honor of the murderer. The celebration is held to symbolize the murders wedding in paradise with 72 virgins. At these events, the family receives guests who offer more congratulations than condolences for their son’s martyrdom. So the same culture that requires a son to brutally murder a daughter to ‘preserve family honor’, also celebrates wholesale murder of innocents, both acts defended as the requirements of family/religious ‘honor’. It’s a strange thing, this Islamic concept of honor. As George Orwell said; “There are spectacles before which even satire herself stands mute.” Duplicity is the ability to articulate and adhere to two completely opposing moral standards at the same time, and is a sign of both intellectual immaturity and moral bankruptcy. Sadly, even reading these words, most Muslims will see no contradiction whatsoever, the natural result of a lifetime of conformity to Islam and shunning critical thought."

"For the last 1400 years, millions of victims have been persecuted by devout Muslims following Muhammad’s enshrined tenants based on anti-Semitism, bigotry, and racism. To ‘real’ Muslims, the infidels brutally murdered 9/11 were deserving of their fate, because they were worthless and ‘unloved’ by Allah. So many continue to believe in a doctrine to dominate and subjugate others, believing in a man who told them God sanctifies murder, slavery, lying, rape, arson, and thievery against other human beings (albeit non-believers), as acts of great piety which will be rewarded in Islamic heaven. All the while Islamic historians continue to rewrite history to turn Muslim marauders into champions and blood-thirsty terrorists into Saints. From the distorted Muslim prospective, Muslims are always presented as the poor, picked-on, persecuted lot, such self-pity providing justification for any and all criminal acts. Their culture feeds extremism instead of sanctioning and subduing such destabilization. Destabilization and chaos is a tool of Islamists to weaken and subdue other cultures and societies, and contributors to such anarchy are congratulated instead of jailed. When no provocation exists, one can always be easily created before or after the fact. Conspiracies abound in the mind of Muslim leaders from Muhammad to today, which have served to more than justify 1400 years of very ‘real’ Muslim conspiracies against her neighbors."

Anónimo disse...



1. Please copy this letter (or alter/replace it with your own letter) and post/email to

Mr Ernst Hirsch Ballin
Dutch Minister for Justice
Postbus 20301
2500 EH Den Haag
email: vragen@postbus51.nl

Dear Mr Ballin

Amsterdam Court of Appeal vs. Mr Geert Wilders

As you now seek to jail Mr Geert Wilders on charges of discrimination and hate speech I wonder if you will also seek to ban the Qur'an that has page upon page of discrimination and hate speech, calling for death and punishment for a vast range of activities which are perfectly legal in The Netherlands - such as for not being Muslim, particularly for being Jewish, for being an apostate or an adulteress or for a selection of other actions or beliefs that would hardly rank as indiscretions or misdemeanours by any non-Qur'anic terms of reference?

That we have all witnessed the words of the Qur'an inspire some Muslims to commit the most discriminatory and hateful actions in recent history is a matter of public record and cannot be denied. That the passages of this book were used in the movie 'Fitna' along with footage of Muslim leaders and Imams is also a matter of public record and cannot be denied.
If Mr Wilder's is to suffer the charge of discrimination and hate speech for quoting passages of the Qur'an, then the Qur'an itself must face the identical fate.

Thank you for your time,

2. Go to http://www.petitiononline.com/wilders... and sign the growing petition in support of Geert Wilders, which reads:

To: The Dutch Government
WHEREAS Geert Wilders has exercised his fundamental human right of freedom of expression and spoken out, with facts and evidence, of the threat posed by radical Islam;

WHEREAS certain elements within Islamic communities have threatened a boycott of Dutch goods if Geert Wilders is not punished by the Dutch government for exercising his freedom of expression; and

WHEREAS certain elements in Dutch industry and the Dutch government are suggesting that Geert Wilders be prosecuted civilly or criminally, in order to prevent such a boycott;

IT IS RESOLVED that, in the event that the Dutch government attempts, in any way, to punish or prosecute Geert Wilders, civilly or criminally, for exercising his freedom of expression, the undersigned will initiate a boycott of any and all Dutch goods.


While your at it, please go to http://www.shariapetition.com and support the Global Statement Against Sharia Law and the UK One Law For All Campaign and Petition.

Sharia Law is the legal culmination of religious efforts to curb freedom of thought and speech. It will be demanded by Islamic dogma in countries where it gains political power. Sharia Law is to be avoided AT ALL COSTS.