It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! (Hannah Arendt).
domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2009
Chumbo Endurecido III
Algumas notícias:
Número de mortes provocados pela operação terrestre:
"At least 30 Hamas gunmen were reported killed"
35 Feridos (a esmagadora maioria ligeiros) e 1 morto do lado Israelita; mortes do lado do Hamas estima-se em 50.
IDF concentrada em fazer estragos profundos e em sair o mais rapidamente possível:
"The IDF would not enter Gaza City or the refugee camps"
A democracia à Hamas: membros da Fatah presos e torturados pela organização "democraticamente eleita":
"Fatah officials in Ramallah told The Jerusalem Post that Hamas militiamen had been assaulting many Fatah activists since the beginning of the operation last Saturday. They said at least 75 activists were shot in the legs while others had their hands broken."
Supostos ajudantes dos "Sionistas" abatidos a tiro:
"On Monday, Dr. Ashour was not the only official in charge. Armed Hamas militants in civilian clothes roamed the halls. Asked their function, they said it was to provide security. But there was internal bloodletting under way."
Jordânia e Egipto mostram-se, agora, de pé atrás:
"The office of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Sunday warned Israel of the consequences of the invasion and said it places the responsibility on Israel for any civilians that are killed or wounded. "
Hackers Marroquinos atacam sites Israelitas:
"A group of Moroccan hackers attacked hundreds of Israeli websites on Wednesday. Some reports say that as many as 750 websites with the suffix have come under attack."
Sarkozy e a grande responsabilidade do Hamas naquilo que se está a passar:
"French President Nicolas Sarkozy told three Lebanese newspapers that Hamas bore "a heavy responsibility for the sufferings of the Palestinian people" and that its rocket attacks had to stop."
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Um dos pilares do liberalismo e do mercado livre, é a constatação, colhida da prática, de que a concorrência, a livre formação dos preços, ...
Crise. Recessão. Depressão. Agora é que vai ser: os EUA vão entrar pelo cano e nós atrás deles. Talvez para a próxima. Para já, e pelo trigé...
3 comentários:
Tentei pôr este vídeo do tratamento dado aos Fatthas pelos Hamas no 5 Dias mas....
É certamente cru mas os tempos não estão para paninhos quentes e há a necessidade de informar que os turras não são uns anjos, como a esquerda retrogada nos quer impingir.
Prezado Ricardo,
Acrescente esta do NYT (, via Melanie Phillips (
«(...) On Monday, Dr. Ashour was not the only official in charge. Armed Hamas militants in civilian clothes roamed the halls. Asked their function, they said it was to provide security. But there was internal bloodletting under way.
In the fourth-floor orthopedic section, a woman in her late 20s asked a militant to let her see Saleh Hajoj, her 32-year-old husband. She was turned away and left the hospital. Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Hajoj was carried out by young men pretending to transfer him to another ward. As he lay on the stretcher, he was shot in the left side of the head.
Mr. Hajoj, like five others killed at the hospital this way in 24 hours, was accused of collaboration with Israel. He had been in the central prison awaiting trial by Hamas judges; when Israel destroyed the prison on Sunday he and the others were transferred to the hospital. But their trials were short-circuited.
A crowd at the hospital showed no mercy after the shooting, which was widely observed. A man in his 30s mocked a woman expressing horror at the scene.
“This horrified you?” he shouted. “A collaborator that caused the death of many innocent and resistance fighters?”
Sobhia Jomaa, a lawyer with the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights, said 115 accused collaborators were in the central prison. None had been executed by Hamas since it took office and their cases were monitored closely.
“The prison provided the sole protection to all of them,” she said. “But once it was bombed, many wanted to take revenge.”(...)»
Caro Luís Cardoso,
agradecido pela colaboração
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